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Atlas V successfully launches spy satellite

Thursday, March 13, 2008

An Atlas V rocket has successfully launched a classified spy satellite for the United States National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). The satellite, currently known to the public as NRO L-28, or Launch 28, is believed by amateur enthusiasts to be a signals intelligence (SIGINT) spacecraft, known by the codename Trumpet. The Atlas V carrier rocket flew in the 411 configutation, with a 4 metre diameter fairing, one solid rocket motor, and a single-engine Centaur upper stage.

The rocket lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Space Launch Complex 3 East (SLC-3E), at 10:02 GMT (03:02 local time) this morning. Today’s flight marks the thirteenth launch of the Atlas V, and the first Atlas V launch from Vandenberg. It is also the tenth orbital launch of 2008. The satellite entered a Molniya orbit, usually used by the NRO for SIGINT and communications satellites.

The launch was conducted by United Launch Alliance, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin, who designed and built the Atlas V, and Boeing, to provide EELV launches for the US Government. ULA president Michael Gass described the launch as “a proud moment in our company’s history”. The launch had been delayed by two years, from early 2006, due to a number of factors.

In addition to its reconnaissance payload, the satellite is carrying two small experiments. SBIRS-HEO 2 and TWINS-B. SBIRS is a test article for a missile detection system, slated to launch late this year or early next, and TWINS is a NASA infrared astronomy experiment. They will remain attached to the satellite for the duration of its mission.

Following the separation of the payload fairing, around five minutes after launch, all information on the launch was withheld, however about an hour into the flight, the launch was confirmed to have been successful. ULA will conduct its next launch on Saturday, when a Delta II will orbit a GPS satellite. The next Atlas launch is scheduled for mid-April, with the ICO G1 communication satellite.

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Elizabeth II annuls Fred Goodwin knighthood

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Queen Elizabeth II, the British monarch, has today withdrawn and annulled a knighthood given to Fred Goodwin in 2004, heeding the advice given to her by a forfeiture committee. Goodwin is the former chief executive at the Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) and was awarded his knighthood by the British government of the time for services to banking. The committee concluded “that widespread concerns about Fred Goodwin’s decision meant that the retention of a knighthood for services to banking could not be sustained.”

Goodwin was chief executive of RBS when they purchased ABN AMRO, a Netherlands bank, in 2007. The British government subsequently bailed out RBS for £45 billion, amidst the late-2000s financial crisis.

British prime minister David Cameron stated about the annulment: “The proper process has been followed and I think we’ve ended up with the right decision.” Cameron and Ed Miliband, UK Leader of the Opposition, both believed Goodwin’s knighthood should be removed. Miliband called it “the start of the change we need in our boardrooms.”

Liberal Democrat leader and Deputy PM Nick Clegg considered it to be the “right decision”. “[A]ppropriate” was the word George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer used to describe it. “RBS came to symbolise everything that went wrong in the British economy in the last decade,” Osborne stated. Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland stated the title was given “for services to banking which could not therefore be sustained”, calling the decision “correct”.

Goodwin does not have the right to appeal against the decision, nor had the right to provide the forfeiture committee with any representations. The monarch holds sole responsibility for withdrawing all knighthoods; on this occasion Elizabeth II followed the advice of the committee, who decided to recommend the withdrawal to her. The Cabinet Office announced the advice had been given to the queen on the understanding that “Goodwin had brought the honours system in to disrepute”.

Speaking of the “exceptional case”, the committee explained: “In 2008, the government had to provide £20 billion of new equity to recapitalise RBS and ensure its survival and prevent the collapse of confidence in the British banking system. Subsequent increases in government capital have brought the total necessary injection of taxpayers’ money in RBS to £45.5 billion.” The committee understood that “Fred Goodwin was the dominant decision maker at RBS at the time.”

Until this announcement, criminal conviction and professional expulsion were the only causes for which individuals had their knighthoods revoked.

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Vitality: How To Feel}

Submitted by: Vishal Pandey

Vitality became a rare thing in modern day living. We are running around all the time, pursuing deadlines, looking after kids, resolving work conflicts, fighting through traffic. Our hectic lifestyle takes a huge toll on our physical and mental health.

We are unable to pay attention on the fact that we are feeling worse than before because we became habitual to that feeling. It became normal. Lots of physical & mental health issues start surfacing and we just keep on taking medicine to erase the symptoms.

What we should do is to go deeper and sort out the root of the problem, the place where all the disorders originate.

Lets look at what vitality is.

You must have met some people, who emit an aura of positivity & energy. You feel great by just standing beside them. You cant help but admire them. You think Wow, where is s/he getting all that energy from?

And because of the fact that most of the energy in this world is negative, these people really stand out. They have something which has become extremely rare today Vitality.

It can also be called as having life-energy. You can sense vitality when your mind is working sharper, your body feels powerful & energetic, and you have enough passion & positivity to share with others. You are in-the-moment & much more resilient to the negative influences.

It is the aliveness in your being, something which was lost many years ago.

Now lets look at ways to get it back

How to increase vitality

1. Be on your Purpose

Being on your unique purpose is critically important for your vitality. It provides a flow of spiritual energy and a very powerful one. You can sense it immediately by feeling much more alive and charged after you do complete any action which moves you towards your purpose.

Your purpose is unique to you. No one else could walk on your path. Universe has created you with a very specific intent. You have to find your purpose but it is not very easy. Finding your purpose will be fully addressed in a future post.

Here, the point is to embrace your purpose. Move towards it with full intent. You will feel a special kind of energy rushing through you. As you continue to experience this spiritual energy, it will progressively become as important to you as your purpose.

2. Any Creative Activity

Whenever your create something, energy is created from nothing. You feel an instant surge and an elevation in positive emotions. This is also a kind of spiritual energy. Activities like writing, singing, composing, drawing etc are classified as creative.

First time I experienced this phenomenon was when I started writing articles for my blog. An hour of immersive writing can give amazing amount of life energy, in contrast to activities like watching television, which saps vitality. We end up feeling worse after.

There are some hurdles you have to jump through, for example writers block, but pushing through that resistance and creating just for the sake of it is like a blessing. It fills you up with a kind of satisfaction and vitality that you never felt before.

3. Physical movement

It includes all physical activities like jogging, aerobics, weightlifting, yoga, brisk walk, climbing stairs etc. Any kind of physical movement will fill you up with physical energy. Yes, you do feel tired just after you finish the exercise, but after a short while your energy levels go up through the roof.

It is one of the most motivating factors for doing exercise. This feeling of energy & vitality can be hugely addictive. And you can feel it immediately.

Lets take a common scenario. You are sitting at your computer desk for two hours. You are feeling low in mood & energy. If you make yourself get up (your mind will resist movement) and go for a five minute walk. It will instantly make you feel better. Immediately.

If you really want to charge yourself up, then get up from your seat at every twenty minutes and take a 2 min walk. You will not believe the huge difference in your mood & energy levels this little physical movement will provide.

Try to incorporate as much physical movement in day as possible for you. Just dont make yourself too uncomfortable. As with anything, there is a limit beyond which it will do more harm than good. Use your brain. Do what feels comfortable and slightly keep on increasing.

4. Wate

There is no secret that proper hydration plays a big part in sustaining high energy levels. Research shows that even a 3% decrease in the water level in the body can reduce an athletes performance by 15%!

The problem with most people is that they dont drink enough water. The common misconception is to drink water only when we get thirsty. If you reach the point of feeling thirst, then you are already low on water levels. It is much smarter to keep drinking clean water at regular intervals throughout the day.

You should ideally aim for three to four liters of water per day. Coffee, alcohol and soft drinks dont count. Plus, you should minimize or completely eliminate coffee, alcohol & soft drinks. They do nothing good for your health.

Try proper hydration for 7 days and you will feel a big difference in your energy and overall mood. You will want to keep this habit permanently.

5. Healthy food/ Nutrition

Handling your nutrition is one of the most important steps you can take to elevate your energy and vitality levels. You can do everything else on this post but if you are not handling your nutrition properly, you will always lack the life energy you really want.

Now, health and nutrition is a huge topic and impossible to cover here. If you want more details, there are many good websites on the net which will help you. Personally, my favorite one is

It contains lots of really good advices which made positive impact on my energy levels. Do check it out and decide for yourself.

It is said that you are what you eat. So look at your food intake. Handle your nutrition. It is one of the best things you could do for yourself.

6. Proper Sleep

Sleep is something which makes an instant impact on your vitality. One night of poor sleep results in huge loss in energy levels. You will be drowsy all day. Your alertness, decision making and cognitive abilities will go down.

On the other hand, proper sleep will have you wake up refreshed. You will be fully able to tackle your daily challenges. Your mood will be awesome the whole day. You will be more alert, sharper and make better decision.

Athletes know the importance of quality sleep. They make sure to get properly rested before their big event. Body repairs itself when you sleep. This process can get interrupted due to bad quality sleep resulting from various factors like frequent wake ups, less time etc.

There are various factors which determine the quality of sleep. These will be covered in an upcoming post.

7. Meditation

Mediation is one of the best things you could do to increase your overall vitality. The best thing about meditation is that it recharges your physical, mental and spiritual energy levels. This property alone makes meditation special.

Lot of people associate meditation with eastern religion. But if you are an atheist, you will be glad to know that meditation can be done for the practical, day-to-day benefits without any religious associations.

In the simplest of forms, meditation is nothing but focusing your mind on a particular object or image for a period of time. Soon, I will dedicate an entire post on how to meditate easily.

8. Positive outlook

Life has no meaning except the one we give it. Universe has gifted man with the unique ability to understand and give meaning to the events. You are the creator of your life.

If you think the world is a bad place, you will find hundreds of evidence of why the world is a horrible place. On the other hand, if you think the world is a wonderful place, you will be showered with proofs of how amazing it is.

You have the tremendous power to determine what an event mean. You are doing it all the time. Mostly unconsciously, sometimes consciously. So I ask you this, as long as we are going to determine what an event mean, why not make it empowering.

This is an amazingly powerful concept if you just utilize it fully. I will go deeper in this topic in a future post. For now, try to see positivity in your life as much as possible. Be grateful for the things you have in your life.

Millions of people out there in the world would sacrifice everything just to have what you have right now. Be grateful for the opportunity you have. Be grateful for the body the creator has given you. Be grateful for the unlimited possibilities you have. Cloths, food, home, family, relationships, finances be grateful for everything.

Try to view the world in a positive light, in return you will be amazed by the vibrancy you will emit from within.

So thats it.

These are some of the most powerful ways to increase your vitality. Try to slowly incorporate all of these in your life for the ultimate result. It will take effort, but how you will feel would be well worth it.

About the Author: AUTHOR BIO:My name is Vishal Pandey and I am founder of blog –

I was always fascinated by the concept of self-actualization and my blog is a result of accumulating information in this field for more than 13 years.Over the years, i have read hundreds of books, listened to audio/video programs, attended seminars on ways to unlock my full potential. I have collected information & concepts and tested them out for their effectiveness by directly applying them in my life for more than a decade. I found some principles to be quite effective, while others were a waste of time. My blog is the platform to share that knowledge with the world while I continue to learn new things each day.


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Australian emergency services personnel exposed to asbestos

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

At least 250 members of Australia’s emergency services personnel in New South Wales have been informed that they could die from exposure to fatal levels of asbestos following emergency response training south of Sydney.

Members of the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) unit are thought to be at risk. They were told last week they may contract life-threatening illnesses following training on a demolition site at Holsworthy Army Barracks. The site was created to simulate rescues in the event of a terror attack or natural disaster. It has been regularly used by emergency services personnel since 2004.

Some of the emergency services personnel spent up to three weeks at a time crawling through the rubble.

Reports claim that when notified last week, senior personnel were left devastated. It can take decades for asbestos related illnesses to appear and can take up to 30 years before those exposed can be cleared of infection.

In addition to the emergency service personnel, doctors, nurses and hazardous material personnel could also be at a mild risk. Even Morris Iemma, premier of New South Wales, who visited the site has been warned he could be at risk.

According to The Daily Telegraph, a repected Sydney newspaper, it has been established that “No proper tests were done at the site before it became a training ground for hundreds of top-level rescuers in 2004″,”Personnel were kept in the dark for up to a year about the asbestos before being told last week”,”NSW public officials and a host of ministers may have been exposed”,”Ambulance chief Greg Rochford and Mr Mullins have been at the site and must face a health clearance”, and”The Dust Diseases Tribunal is conducting an investigation into the long-term impact the mass exposure could have on emergency services in NSW.”

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Benefits Of Green Tea For Diabetes Patients

Benefits of Green Tea for Diabetes Patients


Dr Andrew Napier

Green tea, commonly used by diabetic patients is famous for its medicinal value. It is a composition of unfermented leaves which can be used as beverage and as medicine. Camellia sinensis is the alternate name given for this medicinal tea. Drinking green herbal tea is an effective way for controlling sugar metabolism. Studies made on diabetic patients prove that those who drink herbal tea had a controlled blood sugar level. It promotes insulin production, blocks glucose absorption and helps in managing blood sugar level. Controlling high blood pressure is another advantage of drinking herbal tea. Presence of antioxidants like polyphenols in green herbal tea takes control over high blood pressure which in turn helps regulating sugar level. Slight bitter taste of herbal tea is due to the presence of these polyphenols.


Functioning of antioxidants prevent action of free radicals in body. These free radicals are responsible for cell damage and ageing functions. Regular drinking of herbal tea promotes normal functioning of body cells. Tea, composed with catechins and polysaccharides slows down the growth of blood glucose level. Major six compounds of catechins equipped in green tea include catechin, gallaogatechin, epicatechin, epigallogatechin, epicatechin gallate and apigallochatechin gallate. Out of these six catechin compounds, apigallochatechin gallate commonly known as EGCG is the abundantly present and most functioning one in green tea. Green tea can be added in patient’s diet as a regular natural food supplement. Feel free to contact your health practitioners when ever you need help regarding dosage level. Nutritionists suggests in drinking at least two- three cups of green herbal tea a day. Green tea plays a vital role in reducing body weight of a person. Low body weight lowers blood sugar level and prevents consequences due to diabetes. Experiments had revealed that usage of green herbal tea had helped many diabetic patients to control their body weight. Drinking green tea promotes excretion of urine, prevents flatulence, maintains body temperature, improves heart function and helps in healing wounds. Magical power of green tea in suppressing stress helps in preventing hypertension there by reducing the risk of diabetes. L- theanine amino acid present in green tea is responsible for this anti stress property. Proper digestion control power, reducing risk of constipation and improving mental health are other advantages of using green tea in diet. Leading role played by green herbal tea in regulating postprandial hyperglycemic condition is remarkable. Postprandial hyperglycemia is a diabetic condition occurring due to increase in blood sugar level after intake of meals. Drinking green and fresh tea after meals helps in reducing blood glucose level due to postprandial hyperglycemia. Diabetic patients with type 2 diabetes are often advised to drink green and fresh tea for maintaining their blood glucose level. Today, extracts from green herbal tea are added in many food supplements in order to improve nutrient level. Powdered form of tea leaves are mixed with food supplements. It is also available in capsule and liquid form in market. Caffeine free supplements of green tea are preferred for better health provision. It helps in leading a healthier lifestyle with no side effects.

Read more about

Diabetes Natural Treatment

. Also know about

Diabetes Home Remedies

. Read about

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes


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Benefits of Green Tea for Diabetes Patients

Manitoba volunteers go to war against Red River flooding

Monday, April 6, 2009

Over 1,600 volunteers registered to help build approximately 65,000 of the 500,000 sandbags to create dikes 20.5 feet (6.2 meters) high to protect the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba in the war against the Red River of the North flood.

700 volunteers answered at the rural municipality of St. Andrews alone. Once sandbags are filled for West St. Paul, St. Andrews, and Selkirk, then frozen culverts must be cleared.

The height of the river is expected to be Thursday, and predictions are that it will be less than Flood of the Century of 1997. There is no precipitation in the forecast, and snow in the province should be melted by the end of the week.

“The fear right now is we have to get that ice out of the river. The Amphibex [Excavators] are still working and breaking the ice apart, and everyday we buy with the warm weather and the current, it is thinning the ice down a bit, so when it does start to move, the better chance it’ll move right out into the lake,” said Paul Guyder, the emergency coordinator for the RMs of St. Andrews and St. Clements.

“I feel that we’ve done everything humanly possible to get ready,” said Gary Doer, Premier of Manitoba, “But … there are fallibilities with human behaviour. We can take every preventative measure as human beings possible and we can still get Mother Nature proving again she is superior.”

Communities with ring diking will partially or fully close their dikes at the beginning of the week. Provincial officials are considering opening the Red River Floodway gates around mid-week before ice is fully melted.

Ice jams could cause flooding within the city, however opening the gates could spare neighbourhood flooding when the river rises to the estimated 6.3 meters (20.7 feet) height. The province does have back up plans for dealing with ice jams within the city if they do occur. The unpredictability of ice jams and the ensuing water level rise may cause neighbourhood flooding. The city is raising dikes where the river has jammed with ice in the past such as on tight curves and past bridges. Likewise there are excavators and backhoes positioned at these points.

Vulnerable neighbourhoods on the river banks have been reinforced with sandbag dikes at vulnerable areas from the massive volunteer effort over the weekend. Guyader feels no more extra volunteers are needed, however volunteers are still being asked to leave their names and number in case of unpredicted need. Existing personnel will assess roads, and help with clean up.

Approximately 400 of the 800 people who evacuated the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation have returned to their homes.

Former Premier, Dufferin Roblin, brought forward the floodway as a protection for Winnipeg residents and economy following the 1950 Red River Flood. The Red River floodway, “Duff’s Ditch” was finally finished in 1968, and its floodway gates have been opened 20 times saving Winnipeg from an estimated CA$10 billion in damages. The floodway expansion began in 2005 at a price of $665 million.

Polish and Chinese experts have come to survey the Red River Floodway, and Dennis Walaker, mayor of Fargo, North Dakota recognises the need for Red River flood defences down river. “Every town that you drive by from the Canadian line up to Winnipeg is either elevated or ring-diked,” said Walaker.

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US Justice Department to withdraw Stevens charges

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The United Stated Department of Justice has asked for corruption charges against former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens to be dropped because evidence was withheld from the defense team by the original prosecutors. The Justice Department has stated that they will not retry Stevens.

In a statement, US Attorney General Eric Holder said, “After careful review, I have concluded that certain information should have been provided to the defense for use at trial. In light of this conclusion, and in consideration of the totality of the circumstances of this particular case, I have determined that it is in the interest of justice to dismiss the indictment and not proceed with a new trial.”

Stevens was convicted in October on seven felony counts of lying on senate disclosure forms about gifts, largely in the form of free renovations to his home, received from an oil service company; his conviction is thought to have been a large factor in his November electoral defeat to former Anchorage mayor Mark Begich, the current junior Senator from Alaska. Stevens immediately appealed his conviction and has maintained his innocence.

The prosecution case has met with a number of procedural difficulties, with US District Court judge Emmet G. Sullivan holding the prosecution in contempt in March for failing to turn over documents concerning an FBI whistleblower’s reports of mishandling of the case. The Justice Department has since replaced the case’s prosecutors, and the allegations of misconduct have held up sentencing from the original convictions.

The filed papers indicate that notes were never turned over from an interview that has the oil contractor estimated the house renovation for far less then he specified at trial.

The original trial team was removed, but in the end Attorney General Eric Holder thought it would be best if the case was dropped. NPR’s source indicate that Holder wish to forcefully transmit that prosecutorial misconduct will not be tolerated. The trying prosecutors are under investigation by the Justice Department for their conduct in the matter.

Stevens, now 85, served as Alaska’s Senator from 1968 to 2009.

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Fifteen people killed in attack on Nigerian college

Friday, September 19, 2014

Officials said at least fifteen people were killed in an attack on a teachers training college in the Northern Nigerian city of Kano by a group of armed gunmen on Wednesday. Over 30 others were wounded.

News agencies have reported while there has been no claim of responsibility, suspicion will likely fall on the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram. The group has previously targeted Western-style schools within the country, including past attacks on secondary schools.

According to official reports, police first approached the group in the area of the school, concerned about their unusual activity, and the attackers engaged police in a firefight. The attackers gained entry to the school and started throwing bombs.

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan described the incident as a “dastardly attack”. He has already declared a state of emergency in three northern states, and is being criticized along with the country’s armed forces for failure to prevent extremist attacks.

A police spokesman said police killed two attackers at the scene.

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Fitness And Health Promotion Program Opens Doors To Various Opportunities

Fitness and Health Promotion Program Opens Doors to Various Opportunities



Getting healthy is at the top of many people\’s list – and not just their New Year\’s Resolutions list. It\’s no wonder then that the demand for fitness professionals with a Fitness and Health Promotion educational background is expected to increase by 28 per cent by 2018. With Canadians making a commitment to their health, now is a great time to train for positions such as: fitness instructor, personal trainer, fitness consultant and wellness/fitness program developer. In these positions, Fitness and Health Promotion professionals assist individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices that will reduce or prevent the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases by providing professional fitness assessments, recommendations for health and fitness exercise regimes and strategies to meet their health and wellness goals.

Centennial College\’s Fitness and Health Promotion takes two years to complete and ensures students are ready to fulfill the above roles and responsibilities in vast areas such as: the community, corporate fitness, municipal recreation, retail fitness, hospital or business/entrepreneur. As such, it focuses on hands-on practical learning in laboratory and placement settings and a comprehensive academic grounding in areas such as: anatomy and physiology, fitness assessment, leadership skills, injury management, nutrition, fitness marketing, health promotion, computer skills and cross cultural awareness. The Fitness and Health Promotion also takes into account trending topics such as mental health as an essential part of a holistic approach to well being.


Help students obtain the best training possible is access to the newly-constructed Athletic and Wellness Center, where they can apply what they have learned to helping their peers meet their fitness goals. The use of this wellness centre also presents the opportunity for inter-professional student liaisons between this fitness training program and other offerings (i.e. Police Foundations, Pre-service Fire and Paramedic students) at Centennial College to assist in the attainment of students\’ fitness assessment goals.

As a final hands-on feature, the Fitness and Health Promotion boasts an industry field placement during which students apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program in a safe and challenging real world setting. Prior to each field placement, students must acquire an annual clear police check with vulnerable sector screening; successfully complete an annual renewal of a recognized course in CPR (health care provider level); successfully complete a recognized course in standard first aid.

Upon completion of the Fitness and Health Promotion offering, students obtain an Ontario College Diploma and have the opportunity to gain the skills necessary to become certified personal trainers according to the CSEP-CPT requirements and learn course material related to the canfitpro nutrition and wellness certification.

Applicants to this fitness training program, must have completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or mature status (19 years or older) In addition, they should have taken English Grade 12 C or U (minimum grade required) or equivalent, or skills assessment; as well as one Science Grade 11 or 12, C or U (minimum grade requirement) or skills assessment (Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Exercise Science).

Klaudia is the writer of this piece. She focuses on offering readers information about the

fitness training program

in Canada at Centennial College, which takes two years to complete and results in an Ontario College Diploma.

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