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Woman killed in shark attack at Amity Point, Australia

Sunday, January 8, 2006Original Reporting

A woman in Australia has been killed in a shark attack. The attack occurred at 5pm (Local Time) just off Amity Point, North Stradbroke Island, south-east of Brisbane.

The woman, described as 21, had lost both arms up to the elbow and sustained severe wounds to her torso and legs. She was carried to shore by friends and was then flown by rescue helicopter to the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. Surgeons were unable to save her.

The woman was holidaying from Brisbane with a church camp and attempts to contact her family have been made.

Emergency Services Rescue Helicopter crew officer Rod Morgan said the woman had suffered massive blood loss.

“She was very pale” he said, “We were diverted right away and were able to be on the scene within minutes and were able to have the patient at hospital within an hour of the attack.”

“She had life threatening injuries she had lost significant amounts of blood and the patient had what we would call an altered level of consciousness where it wasn’t able to communicate directly with the patient” said Queensland Ambulance paramedic Lachlan Parker.

There were many witnesses at the scene and they are now being interviewed by Police at Amity Point. They are described as being distraught.

One witness, who asks to not be identified, described that the victim was swimming in the sea with her Border Collie. When the attack happened, the dog ran home to raise the alarm.

“I was across the road from where she was staying and I saw the dog come flying up the road all wet and shivering and whimpering,” she said, “Then a little boy came running up and said the girl had lost her leg and her arm and everyone ran out of the house towards the beach. It was just a little black-and-white dog but he was crazy so I locked him under the house.”

Other reports claim that the woman had been scuba diving in murky shallow water approximately 15 metres from the shore.

The woman is believed to be from McDowall in Brisbane, but her name has not yet been released.

A resident of Amity Point for 20 years, Brad Ross, said tourists visiting the area have been warned of potential attacks; “The shore just falls away into 30m of water and there are plenty of bull sharks out there. People know when they enter the water there they’re stepping into a shark habitat.”

Other beaches on the island are protected by drum lines.

Queensland state police inspector Peter Harding believes from the severity of the woman’s injuries that she was attacked by a group of bull sharks, a species known for aggressive behavior this time of year. Water police will search for the sharks today and as a result, beaches on the east and west of Amity Point have been closed.

This is the first attack in the area since August 1972.

Local wisdom cautions against allowing dogs in the water at swimming beaches, because of a fear that they attract sharks, perhaps because of residue accumulated from fleas which live on the dog’s blood.

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Questions About Acting Agent

Submitted by: Chris Johansen

My acting agent in the US has gone a long way in helping me in my acting career. He has been the one person who offered me an insight into the industry and helped open doors for me. As an actor or actress who is just starting out, you need an agent to help you in getting your career off the ground. The agent will help in getting you work and ensure that you are paid accordingly by negotiating your deals. Even when you get a job, the acting agent will always ensure that your career runs smoothly. He will be in charge of scheduling interviews for you with journalists and ensuring that you always have good public relations. An agent will work hard for you because the success of their career is largely dependent on the success of yours.

There are so many acting agencies in America; some are genuine while others are just scams. You therefore need to be very careful when hiring an acting agent. Some of the most important attributes that my acting agent in the U.S should have is honesty, integrity and good work ethics. A good agent will not try to exploit you for their own personal gains. One of the ways that you can tell if an agency is just a scam is by looking at their charges. If an agent starts to ask you to make a lot of payments even before he gets you a job, then most likely this is a scam and not a genuine agency.


Most of the best acting agencies in the US are the ones that registered with Screen Actors Guild (SAG).These Agents also align themselves with Actors Equity Association. Agencies that are associated with these unions are usually well reputable.

My acting agent in the U.S should be someone that I can easily communicate with. The agent is my link to the other people in the industry so that s why I need to have someone that I can communicate with. It is important for actors and actresses to take their time before signing up with an agent. This should never be a rush decision. You need to meet your potential agent and have a talk with him first. If you have to sign any contracts, go through it very carefully, make enquiries about the clauses that you don t understand.

My acting agent in the U.S should be someone with good negotiation skills. This is because the agent is the one in charge of negotiating contract or his clients. If you get someone who can t negotiate that you are doomed nor to get the best deals. Normally, a good acting agent will only charge you a commission for the jobs that they get you. This commission is usually at most 15% of your total pay for the job. The agent therefore should work hard to get you jobs so that they can get the commission. If your agent is not getting you any jobs and they are charging you for their jobs, then you are better off hiring someone else.

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Wikinews investigates: Advertisements disguised as news articles trick unknowing users out of money, credit card information

 Notice — May 19, 2010 This article has been judged, by consensus of the Wikinews community, not to meet Wikinews standards of style and neutrality. Please see the relevant discussion for details. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Internet has already brought great things to the world, but has also brought spam, phishing, scamming, etc. We all have seen them across the Internet. They promise money, weight loss, or other things a person may strive for, but they usually amount to only a lighter pocket. Online advertising has become something that the increasingly Internet-reliant society has become used to, as well as more aware of. As this is true, online ads have become more intricate and deceptive in recent years.

However, a certain type of advertisement has arisen recently, and has become more deceptive than any other Internet ad, and has tricked many users into credit card charges. These sites claim to be news websites that preach a “miracle product”, and they offer a free trial, and then charge the user’s credit card a large amount of money without informing them after the trial ends. These sites appear to be operating under one venture and have caught ad pages of high-traffic websites by storm. In this report, Wikinews’ Tjc6 investigates news advertisement sites.

These Internet ads work in different ways:

Hypothetically speaking, a reader is browsing the web, and then happens to come across something that they believe is too good to be true. A link on one of these high-traffic pages promises white teeth, weight loss, or huge profits from working at home part-time. Out of curiosity, they click on the link.

This is the way that people are attracted to these fake news sites on the internet. The domain owners draw in customers by purchasing advertising on some of the World Wide Web’s most visited pages. Curious users click and are led to what they believe is a news article. From anti-aging to shedding weight, these “articles” from non-existant newspapers and television stations depict a skeptical news reporter trying a product because they were instructed to by a superior.

As the user reads on, they find that the “reporter” miraculously achieves significant weight loss, teeth whitening, or other general health and beauty improvement. The reporter states that the reader can get the same results as they did by using a “free trial” of the product.

Next, the user looks to the bottom of the page, where there seems to be a set of user comments, all of them praising the product or products that are advertised — this is where we first see something suspicious. Across several of these false articles, the comments appear to show the exact same text, sometimes with even the same usernames as other sites.

There is obviously some kind of correlation. Although this appears to be true, most users who purchase these products do not look at multiple versions of these similar pages of what appears to be a fast-growing network of interconnected fake news sites.

Once customers have convinced themselves into buying the product, they are led to a product (or products) website which promises a free trial for a very low price. What they do not know about this, however, is that they are giving their credit card data to a company that will charge it automatically after the trial ends. In about 14 days, the user receives a charge on their credit card for an excessive amount of money, usually from about $80 to $100 (USD). All attempts to contact these companies and cancel their shipments usually prove to be futile.

What these sites have is a large amount of legal copy located at the bottom of each site, stating their right to charge the user. This site, a fake news article claiming to offer teeth-whitening benefits, has several paragraphs of fine print, including this: “…Upon signing up for the 10 day trial membership you will be charged up to $4.97 depending on various shipping and initial offer promotions at that time but not more than $4.97 upon signing. If not cancelled, you will be charged $89.97 upon completion of the 10 day trial period. Monthly thereafter or 30 days from the original order date, the charge will reoccur monthly at a total of $89.97 until cancelled…,” the site says.

Practices like this have alerted the Better Business Bureau, an American organization that studies and reports on the reliability and practices of US businesses. In a press release, a spokesman from the BBB spoke out against sites like this. “Many businesses across the country are using the same selling model for their products: They lure customers in with claimed celebrity endorsements and free trial offers, and then lock them in by making it extremely difficult to cancel the automatic delivery of more products every month…,” said the report that denounced the websites.

When a user looks at several of these sites, they notice that all of them have the same exact structure. Because of this, Wikinews decided to look into where some of the domains were owned, and if they were all in fact part of one company.

However, the results that Wikinews found were ones that were not expected. Out of the three random websites that were found in Internet ads, all using similar designs and methods to attract the customers, came from three different locations in three countries and two separate continents. The first came from Scottsdale, in the United States, while the next two came from Vancouver and Hamburg. There is no location correlation, but surely, there has to be something that connected these sites together. We had to look even further to try to find a connection.

What do you think of these sites? Have you ever fallen for an advertisement similar to this one?
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There is some correlation within the product’s contact information. A large amount of the teeth-whitening products analyzed actually shared the same phone number, which lead to a distribution center located in St. Petersburg, Florida, and several other similar distribution centers located across the Southern United States. But, that explains only one of the categories of products that these websites cover, teeth whitening.

What about the other products? The other products such as weight loss and work-at-home kits all trace back to similar distribution centers in similar places. So, what do we make of all of this?

There is obviously some company that promotes these products through the fake news advertisements, but that company is nowhere to be found on the websites. All contact information is given on the product pages, and websites are copyrighted under the name of the domain, not a company. Whatever company has been the setup for these pages has been very good at hiding themselves from the Internet, as there is no information across the web about that mysterious large advertiser.

As a result of customers buying the products and having unauthorized charges on their credit cards, a large volume of complaints are currently present on awareness sites, complaint sites, and even the Better Business Bureau. Several customers point out that they were not informed of the steep charges and the company made it extremely difficult to cancel their subscription, usually resulting in the loss of several hundred dollars.

  • The trial offer was to pay for $3.95 for the cost of the shipping for one bottle. I noticed shortly after placing the order I had a charge on my credit card for $149.95. Unknown to myself the company charges for a membership if you don’t cancel within 14 days, I cancelled within 18 days…When I called the customer service number they told me the decision has been made and my refund request was denied. When I questioned the person on the other line about what I was getting for my $149.95 she told me I was not getting anything because I cancelled the membership.
?“Tamara”, in a post to the Ripoff Report
  • This is a “free sample” scam: Pay only postage and handling and get a free sample of a tooth whitening system, they say. I looked for the “catch,” something that would indicate that there’d be hidden or recurring charges, but didn’t see anything, and ordered. Sure enough, a couple of weeks later, I see a charge for $88.97 on my bank statement…When I called, the guy answering the phone had obviously answered the same angry question many, many times: “Why has your company charged $88.97 to my card?” “Because you didn’t cancel your subscription in time,” he said tiredly.
?“Elenor”, in a post to the Ripoff Report

One notable lawsuit has occurred as a result of these articles. Some of the articles about work at home kits specifically advertise things like “work for Google”, or “job openings at Google”. However, Google asserts these claims as false and has taken the case to court, as it is a copyright violation. “Thousands of people have been tricked into sending payment information and being charged hidden fees by questionable operations,” said Google in a statement.

The BBB has received over 3,000 complaints about products such as the ones that Google took offense to. The lawsuit has yet to begin in court, and no date has been set.

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US unemployment rate falls in January

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The US government has announced that the country’s unemployment rate dropped to 9.7% in January, from 10%.

A survey of households reported that the number of employed US residents rose by 541,000 last month; at the same time, however, employers cut 20,000 jobs.

According to the figures, the retail sector gained 42,100 jobs last month, the largest increase since November 2007; manufacturers’ job counts increased by 11,000, the biggest gain since April 2006.

Temporary help, meanwhile, gained 52,000 jobs. The Press Association reports that could be an indication more hiring is on the way, saying that employers generally hire temporary staff before more permanent workers.

Carl Riccadonna, a senior US economist for Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. in New York, commented: “Companies just can’t meet demand requirements with their existing labor force, so they have to increase the number of workers. This report does seem to indicate the economy is moving in the right direction.”

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Why Choosing The Right Utv Dealers Is So Important

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Dealing with stress is something most people have learned to deal with. Regardless of how accustomed to stress a person can become, it can still be a very dangerous force. Finding a hobby will allow a person to relieve some of the stress in their life. Riding UTVs is one of the most popular and thrilling hobbies around. Buying a UTV is an essential part of getting in on this exhilarating hobby. Usually, there will be a number of different UTV dealers in an area. Researching each one will allow the prospective buyer to narrow the search. There are a number of reasons why choosing the right UTV Dealers is important and here are a couple of them.

Getting The Highest Quality MachinesChoosing the right UTV dealer will allow the buyer to get the highest quality machines out there. The right dealer will have a large selection of different UTVs to choose from. The buyer should be able to get some advice from the dealer about which UTV is the right fit for their needs. Selecting an experienced UTV dealer will help to take all of the guesswork out of the buying process. Going online will allow the buyer to get a feel for the type of reputation they have.

Receiving the Best Deal PossiblePicking the right UTV dealer will also allow the buyer to get the best deal on their purchase. Finding the dealership with the best deal will require the buyer to do a good bit of research. Taking the time to research the going price on a particular UTV will allow the buyer to save a ton of money on their purchase. The buyer will be able to check around in their area to see which dealer is able to offer the best deal before making the decision on which one to use.

Selecting the right UTV Dealers is vital in getting the right purchase made. The team at Tuttle Motor have a lot of experience in the industry and can offer the buyer a great deal. Call them or go to for more information on what they have to offer.

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Reflections, Lichtenstein, two new exhibitions at Edinburgh’s Modern One

Saturday, March 14, 2015

This weekend saw the opening of two new exhibitions at Edinburgh’s National Gallery of Modern Art. Wikinews attended Thursday’s press preview for the event where a full contingent of the capital’s press turned out to see the striking collection of paintings, photographs, and other works. Presented below are a selection of images captured at the preview.

REFLECTIONS: A Series of Changing Displays of Contemporary Art, billed as a showcase of a “diverse range of internationally-renowned contemporary and modern artists” is to display major works from the Gallery’s permanent collection, alongside important loans. Alongside this broad range of works, a three-room display of pieces on-loan from the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation — with a dramatic painted steel relief, ‘borrowed’ from the Tate in London — runs from March 14 through to January 10 next year.

Admission to both exhibitions is free; being located in Dean, to the north-west of Edinburgh’s city centre, a free Gallery bus service is available.

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United States military kills Qasem Soleimani

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Thursday, United States military forces killed Qasem Soleimani, head of Iran’s Quds Force, in an airstrike. The United States called its actions defensive in nature, pointing to the December 31 attack on the United States Embassy in Baghdad as an example of the attacks on U.S. citizens that Soleimani took part in.

The United States carried out the airstrike at Baghdad International Airport, where Soleimani was arriving by plane. He was being met by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was also killed in the airstrike. al-Muhandis was the deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), an Iranian-backed militia. Other victims included a Kataeb Hezbollah official and Mohammed Reda, an airport protocol officer. The Daily Telegraph, citing local paramilitary groups, reported that the attack consisted of three rockets launched from helicopters.

In a statement released after the attack, the United States Department of Defense justified the strike, which was approved by President Donald Trump, as “defensive” in nature: “At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week. This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.”

The military strike follows rocket attacks on the United States Embassy in Iraq; Business Insider reported that the rocket strikes were carried out by sympathizers of the PMF. In a statement following the attack, Ahmed al-Assadi, a spokesman for the PMF, blamed both Israel and the United States for the attack. As of January 3, no evidence of Israeli involvement has been reported.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which includes the Quds Force, declared that Soleimani was “martyred” by the airstrike. Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, ordered three days of public mourning after the strike. In his message, he appreciated Soleimani’s lifepath: “He was a stellar example of those educated and nurtured in Islam and the school of Imam Khomeini (ra). He spent his entire life engaging in jihad in the path of God. Martyrdom was his reward for years of implacable efforts […] Shahid Soleymani is the international face of the resistance and all who have a heart-felt connection to the resistance seek his blood revenge.”

In his statement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu found the air strike justified and called Trump’s order swift, forceful and decisive.

The United States Embassy in Iraq had suspended operations, and advised U.S. citizens to leave the country immediately in its January 3 security alert. The office asked U.S. citizens not approach the Embassy, and if in need for travel documents, to use the consulate in Erbil.

Adil Abdul-Mahdi, the acting Prime Minister of Iraq, spoke out against the attack, calling it “an aggression on Iraq as a state, government and people” as well as a violation of the rules relating to the presence of United States troops in Iraq.

In 2007, the United States government labeled Soleimani as a terrorist and levied sanctions against him. He was further sanctioned in 2011 in relation to a plot to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States. Last April, the United States Department of State also designated the IRGC as a terrorist organization. The United States had also levied individual sanctions against al-Muhandis.

 This story has updates See Iraqi Parliament votes for expulsion of United States troops, January 6, 2020,Stampede during funeral procession of Qasem Soleimani causes deaths, delays burial, January 9, 2020 
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United States military kills Qasem Soleimani

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Thursday, United States military forces killed Qasem Soleimani, head of Iran’s Quds Force, in an airstrike. The United States called its actions defensive in nature, pointing to the December 31 attack on the United States Embassy in Baghdad as an example of the attacks on U.S. citizens that Soleimani took part in.

The United States carried out the airstrike at Baghdad International Airport, where Soleimani was arriving by plane. He was being met by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was also killed in the airstrike. al-Muhandis was the deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), an Iranian-backed militia. Other victims included a Kataeb Hezbollah official and Mohammed Reda, an airport protocol officer. The Daily Telegraph, citing local paramilitary groups, reported that the attack consisted of three rockets launched from helicopters.

In a statement released after the attack, the United States Department of Defense justified the strike, which was approved by President Donald Trump, as “defensive” in nature: “At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week. This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.”

The military strike follows rocket attacks on the United States Embassy in Iraq; Business Insider reported that the rocket strikes were carried out by sympathizers of the PMF. In a statement following the attack, Ahmed al-Assadi, a spokesman for the PMF, blamed both Israel and the United States for the attack. As of January 3, no evidence of Israeli involvement has been reported.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which includes the Quds Force, declared that Soleimani was “martyred” by the airstrike. Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, ordered three days of public mourning after the strike. In his message, he appreciated Soleimani’s lifepath: “He was a stellar example of those educated and nurtured in Islam and the school of Imam Khomeini (ra). He spent his entire life engaging in jihad in the path of God. Martyrdom was his reward for years of implacable efforts […] Shahid Soleymani is the international face of the resistance and all who have a heart-felt connection to the resistance seek his blood revenge.”

In his statement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu found the air strike justified and called Trump’s order swift, forceful and decisive.

The United States Embassy in Iraq had suspended operations, and advised U.S. citizens to leave the country immediately in its January 3 security alert. The office asked U.S. citizens not approach the Embassy, and if in need for travel documents, to use the consulate in Erbil.

Adil Abdul-Mahdi, the acting Prime Minister of Iraq, spoke out against the attack, calling it “an aggression on Iraq as a state, government and people” as well as a violation of the rules relating to the presence of United States troops in Iraq.

In 2007, the United States government labeled Soleimani as a terrorist and levied sanctions against him. He was further sanctioned in 2011 in relation to a plot to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States. Last April, the United States Department of State also designated the IRGC as a terrorist organization. The United States had also levied individual sanctions against al-Muhandis.

 This story has updates See Iraqi Parliament votes for expulsion of United States troops, January 6, 2020,Stampede during funeral procession of Qasem Soleimani causes deaths, delays burial, January 9, 2020 
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Yearning To Yarn So Strongly That It Hurts

Yearning To Yarn So Strongly That It Hurts


Ben B Cohen

Knitting and quilting has taken hold of the younger new generation. Each gender, race and background is starting quilting. Even celebrities are in on buying fabric by the yard at stores and online to make their exclusive gifts and individual items. Besides, it is all about the thought of the gift, not how much you pay.

Sales in the quilting fabric business are up. Lately, the sales in this industry have doubled. It could be because, like meditating, knitting and quilting have a relaxing effect on the mind. It allows your mind to rest while your hands stay busy.

In the old days


quilting fabric

was used by women who were over the hill or not married. Back then ladies would sit around in groups knitting and quilting fabric by the yard in order to make salable merchandise. The other reason for this was to show that women would be ample providers as mothers and wives.

Well, it appears the only snag in knitting or quilting is the dollar issue. You might be able to get a few good buys here and there but overall,

fabric by the yard

has increased quite a bit in price over the past few years.

If you are curious about knitting, despite the increase in price, try checking out a local community center or community college. Fabric weaving is useful in everyday life; you may be surprised. Give it a go if you are good with your fingers and have an honest longing to learn about knitting. It can, though, be hard for the most intelligent of humans.

You can make a sweater in no time for your special honey once you get the fundamental steps. And it should be fun to give a gift that was so thought out and is certainly one of a kind.

You should not overwhelm yourself and instead go with something basic for beginners. There are endless websites and classes to get you going. Or if you are up to it, try going to a fabric warehouse. But above everything remember to have fun and soon you will have those tragically wonderful matching sweaters for holiday family photos. Who doesn t want that on a Christmas picture?

David Textiles, founded in 1985 on the philosophy of providing quality fabric by the yard at competitive prices. We are a textile manufacturer offering a wide range of licensed and exclusive fabrics. We are a leader in the design and execution of a variety of base cloths. Customer Satisfaction is, and always will remain, priority number one at David Textiles.

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Former Scottish Conservatives leader Annabel Goldie to stand down as MSP

Friday, June 26, 2015

Annabel Goldie, Scottish Conservative Party leader from 2005 to 2011, has announced she will stand down as an MSP at the next elections in 2016. Goldie, who has been an MSP for the West Scotland (previously West of Scotland) electoral region since the Scottish Parliament’s formation in 1999, said she intends to focus on her role in the House of Lords, where she has been a peer since 2013.File:Annabel Goldie.jpg

In a statement today, Goldie said leading the party was an “enormous honour” for her. She also said: “It has afforded me both satisfaction and pleasure to serve my constituents and to serve the parliament and I will look back with great happiness at my time as an MSP. I am grateful to friends and colleagues from all parties for their support. Sometimes we found common ground, sometimes we disagreed but never I hope with rancour nor disrespect. Politics is a rough trade but we have built a strong parliament in Scotland of which we can all be rightly proud.” She said because of Ruth Davidson, her successor as Scottish Conservative leader, the party is now “in fine fettle and stands a great chance of making real progress in the years ahead,” concluding by saying: “I look forward to continuing to work as part of that effort in the House of Lords in the years to come.”

Davidson responded to the news by calling Goldie an “unstoppable force”, adding: “She has been an inspiration to a whole generation of Scottish Conservatives, and she has been a tremendous mentor, support and friend to me. In Holyrood, she has fostered both affection and respect from all members – regardless of their political affiliation – and her retirement from the Scottish Parliament will leave an Annabel-sized hole which won’t ever quite be filled. She is unique.” Meanwhile, David Cameron, UK Conservative leader and UK Prime Minister, said: “Annabel is one of those rare breeds in Scottish politics, somebody known by her first name alone. When she was Scottish Conservative leader, I valued her sage advice. She has been a towering strength to our party in Scotland, a doughty debater in the TV studios and Scottish Parliament and has one of the sharpest wits around. I wish her a long and happy retirement after 17 years unstinting service at Holyrood – but look forward to seeing her on the red benches of the Lords for years to come.”

In Holyrood, she has fostered both affection and respect from all members – regardless of their political affiliation – and her retirement from the Scottish Parliament will leave an Annabel-sized hole which won’t ever quite be filled. She is unique.

Goldie, the Scottish Conservatives’ first ever female leader, was elected unopposed. She took up the role in the aftermath of David McLetchie’s resignation from the role in an expenses usage controversy and subsequent resignation of Brian Monteith from his Conservative whip role in the Scottish Parliament for briefing the media against him. Meanwhile, as Scottish Conservatives won 18 seats in the Scottish Parliament in 1999 and 2003, the party had been less successful in UK general elections in Scotland; Conservatives went up from zero out of a possible 72 UK MPs in Scotland in 1997 to one in 2001. This led to Goldie remarking in her inaugural speech in 2005 that: “The wheels are back on the wagon – and I’m the nag hitched up to tow it.” She also said: “The party is still way ahead of where it was in 1997. And my first task is to take it forward to 2007.” However, under Goldie’s leadership, the number of seats the Scottish Conservatives won in the Scottish Parliament slightly decreased from 18 in 2003 to 17 in 2007 and to 15 in 2011. At the same time, the number of Conservative MPs stood at one out of a possible 59 after the 2010 UK general election.

In the aforementioned 2005 speech, she also said the party could be trusted with devolution in Scotland, adding: “making devolution work better means real devolution: not the lumbering and cripplingly expensive array of government departments, government advisers, consultants, quangos, quasi-quangos and agencies with all their expensive appendages, but devolving down to people and their communities, their right to make their own decisions about their lives, how for example they procure healthcare and how they educate their children.” Goldie would go on to sit on the advisory board for the Smith Commission, which was set up to examine which further political powers should be devolved to Scotland following the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. More recently, Goldie supported a reduction in the voting age for Scottish Parliament elections from 18 to 16 in a vote earlier this month, commenting: “I think it is an opportunity for them to continue their high level of engagement in topical affairs that we saw with the independence referendum.”

Goldie, a member of the Salvation Army’s West of Scotland Advisory Board and a Church of Scotland elder, is not the only Scottish Conservative MSP intending to stand down in 2016. Mary Scanlon, Gavin Brown, Alex Fergusson and Nanette Milne all reportedly intend to leave the Scottish Parliament next year.

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