Public Speaking In The Time Of The Greeks

The Art of Public Speaking in Ancient Greece

Public speaking plays a significant role in society today, from political debates to college lectures, business presentations, and even social gatherings. But the significance and power of public speaking date back centuries, specifically to Ancient Greece, where it was regarded incredibly highly and was called “rhetoric”.

Rhetoric first emerged in 5th Century BC in Syracuse as a way to plead one’s cause in court and to persuade the assembly. The sophists, who were the teachers of the period, taught persuasive public speaking as part of their curriculum, considering public speaking as an art.

Particularly, the three leading Greek philosophers, Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato, had profound impacts on the development and structure of rhetoric. Aristotle’s ‘The Art of Rhetoric’, is one of the most complete studies of this art that survives from classical times. Aristotle outlined three key elements of persuasive public speaking – ethos, pathos, and logos. The ethos appeals to the speaker’s character, pathos to the audience’s emotion, and logos to logic or reason. Even today, these principles are used widely in the sphere of public speaking and constitute the basis of effective communication.

In the Athenian democracy, the skill of public speaking was incredibly vital. Citizens were expected to take an active part in public debates and discussions. The more eloquent the speaker, the more influential they were. This importance was such that there were professional speechwriters, called logographers, who would write speeches for others. As Plato once said, “Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men.”

Public speeches were not confined to political debates alone. Funeral orations, like the famous one by Pericles, and public commendations were other common circumstances where the art of rhetoric was displayed. The Greek theaters were also venues of public speaking – playwrights like Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes used rhetoric to both entertain and educate their audience.

Fast-forward to today, many of the techniques and strategies developed by the Greek rhetoricians are still used. Renowned speakers and successful individuals have been incorporating these ancient principles into their speeches. Universities offer Rhetoric as a course, emphasizing the development of these skills as crucial in the professional field. Modern tools for improving public speaking skills, such as at The Voice Clinic Site, employ strategies aligning with those employed by the Greeks.

Public speaking, or rhetoric, in the time of the Greeks wasn’t just about talking in front of people. Rather, it was an art form that required years of study and practice. Rhetoric was used to inform, persuade, and motivate the masses. The Greeks recognized that language and speech are powerful tools and used them to their fullest potential. The influences of Greek rhetoric can still be seen today in the principles and tactics of effective public speaking and communication.

To conclude, the Greek art of rhetoric has passed the test of time. The principles and techniques that were refined and perfected in ancient Greece are the underpinning of public speaking disciplines, guiding the course of dialogue, debate, and discourse in the modern world. So, the next time you listen to an engaging speech or a compelling presentation, just remember its roots may very well trace back to the ancient Greek forum.

Discovering Quality Painting Services Near Me

Locating the Best Local Painting Services

Nothing quite refreshes the look and feel of a home or office like a fresh coat of paint. Whether you’re after a total redesign or just want to rejuvenate your space, it’s crucial to identify the best painting services near me. A top-rated service would not only offer exceptional painting, but it would also provide expert advice, helping you make the ideal color and finish choices.

In your quest for a fine painting service in your locale, you’d be wise to consider Andrew Marriott Painting. This professional painting company comes with years of proven experience and a reputation for quality and efficiency. But why should this particular company be on your radar?

Benefits of Choosing Andrew Marriott Painting

One of the first things to note about Andrew Marriott Painting is their commitment to delivering high-quality work. Their team of professionals is trained to pay attention to every detail, ensuring that the finished product is perfectly executed to your satisfaction.

Convenience is another benefit to expect when you opt for Andrew Marriott Painting. They understand that having workers in your home or business can be disruptive, so they strive to complete their tasks efficiently, causing as little inconvenience as possible. They also offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your busy routine.

Thirdly, working with Andrew Marriott Painting allows you access to professional advice and guidance. It’s one thing to desire a fresh coat of paint, and it’s another to understand what hues and finishes will work best for your space and lighting conditions. Their team of experts are more than happy to provide the guidance you need.

Concluding Thoughts

So, next time you’re searching for ‘painting services near me‘, consider putting Andrew Marriott Painting at the top of your list. Their commitment to quality, convenience, and professional guidance ensures that you’ll be more than satisfied with the transformation of your space. Remember, a fresh coat of paint is not just color on a wall – it’s a reflection of your personal or professional aesthetic. So, choose a service that understands this and strives to deliver beyond your expectations.

Why Dentists Accept Delta Dental And Featured Dental Care Clinic In Double Bay

Dentists That Accept Delta Dental

Oral health is important to overall wellness, and the first step to achieve that is to choose the right dentist who can offer you not just quality dental services but also the financial convenience. In this regard, Delta Dental stands as one of the most recognized dental insurance providers globally. This article will dig deeper into the topic of dentists that accept Delta Dental, and highlight a dental care clinic in Double Bay.

Delta Dental is a reliable name in the dental insurance world because it covers a wide network of dental professionals. One of the main advantages of having a Delta Dental insurance plan is the ease of finding a dentist in their network that offers quality dental services. This extensive network benefits both the subscriber and the dental service provider.

Take, for instance, a dental care clinic in Double Bay. This clinic, being a part of Delta Dental’s network, offers a range of services from general dentistry to advanced dental procedures, and it accepts Delta Dental insurance. This holds significant advantages for patients who have Delta Dental insurance, as they can avail these top-tier services conveniently.

For the patients, dentists that accept Delta Dental are ideal because they may offer lower out-of-pocket costs for covered services. They also handle all the insurance paperwork, making the process smoother and less stressful for patients. Additionally, pre-treatment estimates for services that fall in and out of a patient’s coverage are often provided by Delta Dental dentists; thus, making dental care more predictable and manageable.

For the dentist, being a part of Delta Dental’s network means a steady stream of insured patients. As Delta Dental covers a significant segment of the dental insurance market, dentists that accept Delta Dental often see a consistent patient volume, in turn ensuring stable business inflow.

The streamlined claim process offered by Delta Dental is another reason why many dentists are part of their network. Their efficient system lessens administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time for the dental professionals.

Dental care clinics like the one in Double Bay find such associations beneficial. By accepting Delta Dental, they can provide excellent dental care to more patients, thus improving overall oral health in their community.

In conclusion, dentists that accept Delta Dental, including the featured dental care clinic in Double Bay, offer significant advantages to patients. From lower costs, less paperwork, to accessible and high-quality oral health services, Delta Dental makes dental care affordable and less stressful. Patients can focus more on getting the necessary oral care they need without worrying about financial constraints and insurance processes.

If you are a Delta Dental insurance holder, make sure to take advantage of the benefits. Whether it’s a simple dental cleaning or a more complex dental procedure, having a reliable dentist that accepts your dental insurance is key to maintaining your oral health without disturbing your financial peace.

Find Dentists Near Me Who Accept Medicaid And Offer Teeth Whitening Services

Finding a Dentist Near Me That Accepts Medicaid

Getting regular dental care is imperative to maintain your oral health, but it can sometimes be a challenge to find a dentist who accepts specific types of insurance. One such insurance is Medicaid. If you’re looking for ‘dentists near me Medicaid,’ you need to do a bit of research first.

Medicaid provides health coverage for some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. However, not all healthcare professionals accept it, making it sometimes difficult to find a qualified dentist near your location. Below are a few strategies to help you locate a dentist who accepts Medicaid near you.

Search Through Medicaid’s Website

Start your search on the official website of Medicaid. Most states list approved medical providers, including dentists, who accept Medicaid. You can sort the list based on specialties and location.

Contact Your Local Health Department

Another option is to contact your local health department. Most health departments have a list of dentists in your area who accept Medicaid. They can also provide information on whether these dentists are accepting new patients.

Use Online Search Tools

There are several online platforms and search engines that let you search for healthcare providers, including dentists, based on insurance type. Look for keywords such as “dentists near me who accept Medicaid” in these platforms to find suitable options.

Ask for Recommendations

If you’ve tried these strategies and are still struggling to find a dentist who accepts Medicaid, consider asking for recommendations from friends, family, or even your primary healthcare provider. They may know of dentists who are not listed on official websites or directories.

What Dental Services are Covered by Medicaid?

Once you find potential dentists near you who accept Medicaid, you need to understand the dental services covered by this insurance. Medicaid programs must provide dental benefits for children, while benefits for adults are optional and vary per state.

Looking for a Dentist for Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular dental service, and many people look for a dentist for teeth whitening. However, it’s important to note that while some Medicaid programs may cover basic dental services like checkups, cleanings, and some restorative work, cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening may not be covered. Make sure to inquire specifically about the coverage of this procedure with your Medicaid program and your dentist.

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Having a bright, healthy smile does not only make you feel good but also makes a great first impression. If you’re looking for a dentist for teeth whitening that accepts Medicaid, don’t be discouraged by the potential limitations. There may be dentists out there who can work with you to provide affordable teeth whitening services, even if they are not covered by Medicaid.

Find Local ‘Wildlife Help Near Me’

Wildlife Help Near Me: A Guide to Local Wildlife Rescue Services

As the line dividing human habitation and wildlife habitat continuously blurs due to urban expansion, conflicts between humans and wildlife can occur more frequently. You may come across injured animals, or animals might wander into our yards, posing a danger to them and sometimes to us too. In such situations, it’s crucial to know how to find local wildlife help.

The most appropriate course of action in these cases is to connect with wildlife rescue groups who have the expertise and knowledge to handle these situations. These organizations provide emergency care, rescue, rehabilitation, and sometimes even reintroduction of the animals into their native environment. But how do you find these ‘wildlife help near me‘? Let’s consider several ways.

Find Local ‘<a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener">Wildlife Help Near Me</a>‘

Internet Search: One of the easiest and fastest ways to find local wildlife assistance is by searching the internet. Using keywords such as ‘wildlife help near me’ or ‘wildlife rescue near me’ will return a multitude of results. Check the reliability and reputation of these organizations by reading through reviews and testimonials.

Local Animal Control: Another great resource for finding local wildlife help is your local animal control. They can provide information and contact details of authorized wildlife rescuers or rehabilitators in your area.

Advice When Interacting With Wildlife

While waiting for the wildlife rescue team’s arrival, remember these handy tips on interacting with wildlife:

  • Do not try to feed the animal: They have specialized diet needs; human food may cause harm.
  • Don’t approach or try to handle the animal unless you have been advised to do so by a trained professional.
  • Keep pets and children away from the wildlife.

The Importance of Helping and Rescuing Wildlife

Wildlife rescue goes beyond just taking an animal out of danger. It includes restoring its health, helping it recover, ensuring its safety, and preparing it for its return to the wild.

Rescuing wildlife also plays a critical role in preserving the biodiversity of our planet. Humans’ activities often bring about changes in wildlife habitats, disrupt the natural order, and often result in injuries or fatalities in our native faunas. Hence, wildlife rescue is a human responsibility, contributing to the conservation and maintenance of the eco-health of our planet.

And while it is essential to be compassionate and want to rescue wildlife, it is equally important to remember that not all situations require human intervention. Sometimes, the best way we can help is by letting Mother Nature handle matters in her way and time. For example, a healthy fledgling bird on the ground is typically learning to fly under its parents’ watchful eyes and may not need human interference.

Nonetheless, if you’re in doubt, always seek guidance from a wildlife expert. In turn, they can provide you with advice or send a team to assess and handle the situation properly if intervention is necessary.


We share this world with countless wildlife species, each playing an essential role in maintaining our ecosystems. Thus, whenever we find wildlife in distress, it becomes our responsibility to handle the situation carefully and seek professional ‘wildlife help near me’ when required. Remember, a little awareness and the right actions from our side can make a big difference in preserving the precious biodiversity on our planet.

Understanding Checks From Social Security

Decoding Checks from Social Security and Their Importance

One of the cornerstones of a secure and stable retirement is a solid understanding of personal finance. Within this subject, comprehending the workings of social security checks becomes fundamentally crucial. Most people look forward to their retirement years as a time of relaxation and enjoyment. However, financial stability is a significant factor in the realization of these expectations. The checks from the Social Security Administration (SSA) can become a steady source of income, which can greatly contribute to this.

Social security is essentially a government-run insurance program in the United States. It covers a range of benefits, including retirement income, disability income, survivor benefits, and supplemental income. Upon reaching the age of retirement — depending on when you were born, this can fall anywhere between the ages of 65 and 67 — you are eligible to start collecting benefits. The amount you receive, referred to as your benefit, is computed based on your 35 highest-earning years of work.

The SSA releases a schedule each year denoting when beneficiaries can expect their checks. This depends on factors like birthdays and the type of benefits one is receiving. One thing is for sure, though: knowing when and how much you’ll receive can help future-proof your finances.

In terms of funding, it is essential to understand that social security is not a savings account. The taxes paid by current workers and employers fund the benefits. The Social Security Trust Fund makes up the difference in years when it collects less in taxes than it pays out in benefits, ensuring that checks are sent out on time.

Furthermore, social security benefits are not meant to be the sole source of retirement income. While they are intended to replace about 40% of pre-retirement income on average, it would be infirm to mirror this for everyone given the variance in earnings. Personal savings, investments, pensions, and retirement accounts are critical in supplementing social security benefits to maintain a lifestyle similar to pre-retirement.

As a retiree, you have the luxury to decide where to spend your golden years. There are countless retirement communities and villages worldwide that cater specifically to the needs and wants of retirees. Australia, for example, offers an idyllic retirement environment that brings together natural beauty, a mild climate, and a stunning range of lifestyle activities.

Retirement villages in Australia are known for their liveliness and community feel. These villages offer comprehensive facilities and amenities such as healthcare services, recreational activities, and beautiful surroundings. Some are even linked to the beach or nestled among national parks. The convenience, community spirit, and sense of security they offer are some of the many reasons these retirement villages are an enticing option.

In conclusion, social security checks are an integral part of the retirement puzzle, but not the entire picture. Understanding how they work, what impacts the benefit amount, and when you can begin receiving them is vital for a well-planned retirement. Additionally, considering where to spend retirement enhances one’s lifestyle and wellbeing. Whether it’s a retirement village in Australia or elsewhere, the goal is to live out your golden years with comfort and peace of mind.

Streamlining Property Management: Rental Bookkeeping Software

Rental Bookkeeping Software: Revolutionising Property Management

In the digital age, managing a rental property portfolio involves more than just tenant and maintenance management. Among the most challenging aspects of property management is bookkeeping, which if not done correctly, can lead to financial mishaps and operational inefficiency. That’s why many property management companies are turning to rental bookkeeping software. Sophisticated solutions such as PropertyMe

Why is there a growing need for rental bookkeeping software? Property managers are tasked with tracking income and expenses, making tax payments, and generating a range of financial reports for multiple properties. Doing all these manually is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Rental bookkeeping software substantially streamlines these processes by automating many labour-intensive tasks.

While there is a range of rental bookkeeping software on the market, one that has consistently gained positive reviews is PropertyMe. This advanced property management tool offers a comprehensive range of features geared towards simplifying rental bookkeeping.

Understanding PropertyMe

PropertyMe is cloud-based property management and trust accounting software that is designed to take away the pain of property management. It allows property managers, owners, and tenants to access information and execute tasks remotely, bridging the distance gap particularly in these current times.

One of the key features of PropertyMe is its comprehensive bookkeeping capabilities. This software tracks rent and other receivables, automatically generating invoices and receipts. It keeps track of expenses, auto-generating bills upon due. It can also calculate late fees and apply them automatically.

Being cloud-based, PropertyMe allows real-time management of financial activities. Property managers and owners can instantly access their financial data anytime, anywhere. No need to wait for end-of-the-day reports.

Furthermore, PropertyMe drastically simplifies the tax season. It automatically computes payments, collates necessary information and prepares tax forms, helping users stay in compliance with property taxation laws and regulations.

Benefits of PropertyMe

By using PropertyMe and similar rental bookkeeping software, property management companies can greatly reduce their paperwork and improve operational efficiency. These tools eliminate the duplication of work, reduce errors and free property managers from mundane tasks so they can concentrate on more important matters.

PropertyMe aids in decision-making as well. Its real-time reporting promotes transparency, enables continual financial monitoring and better cash flow management. Users can make more informed decisions thanks to the comprehensive and easy-to-understand financial reports generated by the software.

Moreover, PropertyMe comes with inherent benefits of cloud solutions. It offers superior security and backup feature that safeguards valuable financial data. Users don’t have to worry about software updates as they’re done automatically.

In conclusion, as the pace of property management continues to increase, and as the industry becomes more digital and complex, rental bookkeeping software like PropertyMe becomes essential. It promises not only simplicity and ease but also accuracy, efficiency and profitability in managing your rental property finances.

Plates At Target

The Wonderful World of Plates at Target

When it comes to stylish, practical, and affordable tableware, the plates at Target are second to none. Recognized nationwide for delivering a blend of style and value, Target welcomes a plethora of delightful options, from everyday basics to patterned and eclectic designs that can cater to any taste and dining occasion.

If you love traditions, you might enjoy the “Hearth & Hand with Magnolia” collection. Designed in collaboration with Chip and Joanna Gaines, these artisanal pieces have a rustic charm that evoke a sense of nostalgia while being perfectly suited to modern life. Stone dinner plates embody simplicity and functionality and their textured surface will gracefully accentuate your homemade meals.

Target’s diverse palette is not limited by one or two styles. The “Opalhouse” range is all about vibrant colors and bold prints, ideal for those who like to make a statement with their tableware. The artistic design and gorgeous color combination of the melamine dinner plates make them a real eye-catcher, especially for outdoor dining.

For the environmentally-conscious consumers, the “Made By Design” range at Target offers plates made from Bamboo fiber. They are not just stylish, but also eco-friendly, durable and dishwasher safe, making them perfect for daily use.

The plates at Target also extend their arms to those who favor modern aesthetics. For example, the “Project 62” collection, which features clean lines and minimalist aesthetics, create a sleek, contemporary feel in any dining venue. Their porcelain dinner plates come in a variety of neutral colors and geometric shapes to blend seamlessly with your modern decor.

If you are more in favor of the retro vibes, you can’t go wrong with the “Room Essentials” collection at Target. These plates, with their classic silhouette and vibrant, retro-inspired colors, inject a nostalgic touch to your dining room.

Instant Brands at Target is another noteworthy mention. Known for their innovative appliances, Instant Brands also carry a collection of dinnerware. The distinct feature of this collection is the space-saving design that fits perfectly into your Instant Pot – a unique and practical solution for those with limited kitchen space.

Target’s plate selection goes even further, including a plethora of seasonal pieces for special holidays, like Halloween and Christmas, and for celebratory occasions like birthdays and weddings.

With so many styles, materials, colors, and patterns available, it’s easy to create a table setting that reflects your personality and suits your needs. No matter if you want a traditional dinner plate, a festive dinner plate, a colorful plate for your kids, or a microwave-safe plate for your quick meals, Target will most likely have it.

But that’s not all. The quality that accompanies each plate category is unfalterable, and the prices are surprisingly affordable. These pieces are not only designed with style and functionality but also with durability in mind. Most of them are dishwasher safe, microwave safe, and robust enough to handle everyday use.

In conclusion, shopping for plates at Target can be a delightful journey. From essential, practical pieces to eye-catching, ornamental ones, there is something for every taste and every budget. No matter what you choose, you can expect great quality and value for your money. No wonder many people consider Target as a go-to place for all their tableware needs.

Straightening The Nose: Procedure, Results, And Recovery

Straightening the Nose: A Comprehensive Overview

A straighter nose not only enhances facial symmetry but can also alleviate various health issues, such as breathing difficulty. Nose straightening procedures, known as rhinoplasties, are surgical interventions aimed at reshaping or resizing the nose to improve aesthetic appeal and functionality. However, just like any other surgery, a rhinoplasty has a recovery period that should be given due attention. Understanding the procedure and the nose job recovery time can help ensure a successful outcome.

Understanding the Rhinoplasty

For individuals looking to straighten their nose, consideration of a rhinoplasty is the common starting point. Rhinoplasty can be performed for a variety of reasons – to repair the nose after an injury, correct breathing problems or a birth defect, or for cosmetic purposes. The surgery involves alterations to the bone, cartilage, or both.

The Surgery Procedure

Rhinoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure, meaning you won’t have to stay overnight. Your surgeon will use local or general anesthesia. If the surgery requires a smaller correction, the surgeon might make incisions within your nose. More significant adjustments typically require the surgeon to use an “open” procedure where an incision is made across the base of the nose between the nostrils. The surgeon will then reshape and remove bone and cartilage, adjusting them to achieve the desired look or to improve breathing.

Nose Job Recovery Time

It is crucial for anyone considering a rhinoplasty to understand that results are not instantaneous and a significant part of achieving the final result is the nose job recovery time. The first few days after surgery are the most difficult. There may be discomfort, a feeling of pressure or congestion, and you may experience some temporary difficulty breathing through the nose.

During the first week, patients are advised to refrain from strenuous activities and heavy lifting. Bruising and swelling are common, but these gradually decrease over a period of several weeks. Breathing will improve as the swelling comes down. Normal activities can typically be resumed within two to three weeks of surgery. Although most of the significant swelling subsides within a few weeks, it may take up to a year for all swelling to resolve and the final result to be visible.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

Successful recovery requires careful adherence to your surgeon’s instructions. Keeping your head elevated and still, even while sleeping, can aid in reducing swelling. Avoid blowing your nose, exposure to the sun, and wearing glasses directly on the nose during the recovery period as these actions can derail recovery. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are essential to monitor the healing progress and to address any questions or concerns you may have about your nose job recovery time.


A rhinoplasty can result in remarkable improvements in both the function and aesthetic appeal of the nose. However, it is important to understand what the procedure entails, including the nose job recovery time, to ensure you are well prepared for your journey towards a straighter nose.

Understanding Speech Pathology: The Key To Better Communication

What Is a Speech Pathologist?

A speech pathologist, also referred to as a speech therapist, is a healthcare professional who is proficient in diagnosing, treating, and preventing an array of communication and swallowing disorders in children, adults, and the elderly. Working in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, and private practices, these professionals strive to improve or restore individuals’ abilities to communicate and swallow, thereby enhancing their overall quality of life.

The scope of speech pathology is extensive, encompassing disorders that affect people’s ability to speak, understand language, read, write or even swallow.

The Role of a Speech Pathologist

A speech pathologist’s task is multi-faceted. Some of them focus on language disorders in children, helping kids who struggle to formulate sentences or have difficulty understanding others. Others work with individuals who stammer or have voice disorders. A significant part of their role also lies in aiding people who experience swallowing disorders due to conditions like stroke, brain injury, or aging.

The treatment strategies used by these professionals rely heavily on the specific issues at hand. In the case of children with language disorders, speech pathologists might use games, conversations, or books to stimulate language development. In contrast, when working with adults with swallowing disorders, they might employ exercises to boost strength and coordination of the mouth and throat.

Training and Qualifications

Like other health professionals, speech pathologists must undergo rigorous educational and clinical training before they can practice. This usually involves a minimum of a master’s degree in speech-language pathology, clinical internship, and passing a national examination. Furthermore, they need ongoing professional development to stay abreast of the latest research and developments in the field. In many places, they also require licensure to practice.

When to See a Speech Pathologist

Many might wonder when it’s appropriate to consult a speech pathologist. While speech and language development varies in children, early intervention is often key to managing potential disorders. If a child seems to be delayed in their speech and language skills, a consultation is advisable. Similarly, adults who find it progressively difficult to communicate or swallow should seek help.

The Relevance of Speech Pathology

In today’s fast-paced, communication-centric world, the importance of a speech pathologist cannot be overstated. Efficient communication abilities are required in nearly all aspects of life, and a hiccup can make daily living tasks difficult and decrease self-esteem. Whether it’s maintaining interpersonal relationships, excelling in school, or succeeding at work, effective communication is of the essence.

Speech pathologists, through their expertise, have the power to transform lives, helping individuals communicate more effectively with the world around them. Not only do they work to tackle speech or language disorders, but they also advocate for individuals’ communication rights, ensuring everyone has the chance to express themselves fully.

Consider speech therapy Sydney, for example. The professionals in this city strive to offer optimal speech and language services, with a focus on providing individualized, client-centered approaches. They work closely with families, schools, and other health professionals, underscoring the fundamentals of strengths-based therapy and advocacy for communication rights.

In summary, a speech pathologist is a critical player in healthcare, contributing to better communication health and, consequently, a better quality of life.